Coloured beet
300 g
Sept. - Apr.
by hand

- Peak season
- Available
- Not available
Did you know?
Beetroot is said to originate from southern Europe.
Golden beets are a surprising variety with orange skin and golden flesh. Spherical, they are smaller than the other varieties but with a flavour that is milder and sweeter.
Chioggia beet are an original and particularly decorative variety. These early beets have a magnificent pink colour veined with white, are round in shape and offer very sweet flesh.
Cooking tips
Pour vérifier la cuisson des betteraves, ne faites pas comme pour la pomme de terre, en plantant la pointe d’un couteau dans sa chair : elles perdraient leur jus. À la place, frottez la peau autour de la tige : elle doit se détacher facilement.

Choose firm beet whose skin is not too dry when raw. If they have leaves, that is a good sign. Cooked, their skin should be smooth, with no black spots or cracks.

Use a peeler to peel beets, before grating them to make a delicious raw dish. If you must cook beets, do so unpeeled in order to retain their beautiful colour. Simply rinse them with water, dry them and leave a small part of the stem attached.

2 hours 30 mins
In boiling water
1 hour to 1 hour 30 mins
In the oven
25 mins
Steam cooking
To check your beets are cooked, rub the skin around the stem. If it comes off easily, it means your beets are ready.

Placed in an airtight container, they can be stored for three or four days in your fridge’s salad drawer. Cut into slices, they can be frozen and kept for several months.
They can be stored in the fridge raw or cooked.
Cooking suggestions
Beets can be cooked in a colourful soup accompanied by other vegetables and also pair very well with potatoes.
They can also be served as an accompaniment to fish or meat.
Chef’s tip
A great idea for an aperitif: winter vegetable rolls with Chioggia beet. Chioggia, with their curious pink and white concentric circles that can be seen through the transparent rice paper, bring a festive air to your sushi!
- Wash the vegetables (1 black radish, 1 yellow carrot, 1 Chioggia beet, 1 yellow beet, 1 stick of celery) and peel the celery, beets and carrot.
- Cut all the vegetables into very thin slices and cut 1 apple into julienne strips.
- Soak a sheet of rice paper. When it is flexible, place it on a cloth to remove the excess water, then spread it out on the work surface. In the centre of the sheet, place a few slices of vegetables and pieces of apple. Shape the rolls taking care to pack the vegetables well. Repeat for the 8 sheets of rice paper.
- Finally, cut them into 3 and serve with soy sauce.
For a more complete meal, you could add prawns or chicken breast.